Sunday, January 13, 2008

Spice Girls

If the plural of mouse is mice, then I think (if I can enter a sort of deconstructionist mode here) that the plural of spouse should be spice. If we're talking about wives that is. Now this post isn't going to really be in line with the theme of my last one and it may venture down a
quasi-sentimental avenue. So please bare with me.

Over the past ten years I have literally met tens of thousands of couples with my jobs as a photographer and a car salesman. I have seen emasculated men who have a over, over, OVER bearing wife to very dominate bull headed men with a "I'm a major interstate and I live for people to run all over me" passive wife. As human beings, we learn by comparisons. I learned early on not to touch a hot stove, because I had touched the stove when it was off. The comparison to the feel of that stove when it was on to when it was off taught me a very valuable lesson! I think my encounters with couples over the last decade is why I love and adore my wife so much.

Missy is honestly the spice to my life. The very awesome (and some times complicated) thing about that is, she can be different spices at different times. Sometimes she's salt, she cleans out negative thoughts from my mind and attitude, and partners with me to help me preserve my walk with God. Other times she's Chamomile (I know that's technically an herb, but hang on a sec.), she sits and talks with me after a long frustrating day at work which relaxes me. Then, she can be cayenne pepper, she can get me so hot and bothered (now, this can be taken several ways and all of them apply so I'll leave it at that!). Sometimes it's ground black pepper, my favorite seasoning. It's a stable, a standard, something reliable that I know is always there which grounds me to reality.

I'm not a cook, so I don't really know alot of other spices, but I think you get the point. I've not met alot of women like my wife. I'm not saying she is the standard and the model of Proverbs 31, but I think she comes pretty dang close. She puts up with all the crap that makes up the person I am and she still chooses to stick around and love me. I find an incredible amount of comfort that the reason she is faithful to me is not because of her love for me, but for her love for Christ! Trust me on this, if she had no real commitment to God, then she would have been long gone! I thank God for her everyday and I challenge all women out there to be spice for their husbands, even when they don't deserve someone as gracious and loving and committed as you, be that woman anyway. And I challenge all men out there to enjoy every aspect of their wives, mood swings and all, and think about how dull and boring and tasteless your life would be if they weren't there laying beside you every night when you went to bed!


Stace' said...
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Stace' said...

I love what you wrote, and agree with the things you said about Missy.

Many of the things you said are things that have caused me to hold my friendship with her as one of my dearest for SO many years.

Great post!

Marsha said...

Missy comes from a line of spice girls! : ) Just call me "cinnamom" (a.k.a. sinner mom).

Great post, SIL. It makes me smile from ear to ear to hear you proclaim the virtues of your wife. Thank you for loving her and being such a good hubby.

Kim said...

Yikes. I love to hear Marsha describe herself as a spice girl. I'm a nutmeg girl myself. Well, maybe cumin- I use that one more often. Hmmm, but I really like ground mustard: such flavor! Curry is too spicy for me, though I do like it in Spicy Black-eyed Pea Soup. mmm, what are we having for dinner? Wait. Where am I? What were we talking about? I think I have to wonder around for a while in obliviousness. Is that a word?
PS... I won't always comment, but I will read every post.

Abbey said...

Aawwww! I love that you're lovin on Missy this way. So sweet. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I love this post!!