Thursday, January 24, 2008


This past week has been an emotional one. I've seen my wife weeping at the thought of Sherry Burgess finding her 2 year old son lifeless in their family swimming pool. I've seen my entire church family surround a lady that is very dear to us in prayer as she faced surgery this week to remove a 2 inch brain tumor the doctors recently found. I listened to the story of a friend as she told me how she was once in lockdown on a mental ward a few years ago and some of the struggles her family went through. And through all of this I've seen the barbaric, cold and painful world we live in.

How does one cope with life? Why does one cope with life? Where is there even an ember of hope that tells us to hold on? What is there to ground us to any prospect of a life worth living? Is it in our own strength, as the atheist would propose? Tell that to my friend that was locked up because she was painting pictures in her own blood. This woman is one of the strongest people I've ever known. She's courageous, independent, and is one of those people who can make things happen when she sets her mind to it. I respected and loved her before, I do so more even now. Her strength failed her. Her courage left and her Independence did her no good as she threw her body against a door with only a 4 inch window to look out of. If her strength failed, then we don't have a chance.

What about security in finances? Is that it? Right now our economy is spiraling downward into recession. Political heads try to fix the problem, but it's a band aid really. If it fixes it at all. Things will get better, then they'll get worse again, and so the circle goes on and on.

Can we find it in the leaders of government? 9/11 pretty much nixed that idea. As terrorism continues to grow and spread, how can we feel safe when our own government couldn't stop over 5,000 people from burning alive as mounds of concrete and steel crushed the breath out of their bodies. My sister and brother-in-law are in Kenya facing the threat of a civil war arising from government power plays. There is no security and hope for their 3 little girls in that government.

This week has been an emotional one. I have seen all these things and I have seen the beauty and glory of God through Christ this week. I have been reassured that the only sanity we have is in HIM! Hebrews says the gospel is an anchor for our souls. The psalms say that God is a refuge. It's not pie-in-the-sky religious nonsense. All the positive thinking in the world can't save you from the monstrosity that is this life. We are not safe from the consequences of sin in this world. We have only two options, to fall on the Cornerstone and be broken leaving all of our strength, money, and pseudo-hold on reality, or have the Cornerstone fall on us and be crushed and doomed. John Piper says that the reason we have suffering is so that Christ could suffer. That the reason we have pain is so Christ could feel pain. And that the reason we have death is so that Christ could die and be raised again to show His people that He has conquered these things. I pray that God's people would run to the refuge and not stand outside in the tornado thinking that they can do it on their own. I pray that we, like the deer, would pant for God as the enemy pursues us. That we would drink, lest we die.


Kim said...

Thanks for the reminder. Good post.

Missy said...

Good thoughts Honey.
I'm glad you posted again. I like reading what you have to say. And I love that it points us back to Christ.
Have a good day! I love you

Brian said...

Good job.
In an election year, it's always interesting to hear candidates pledge to provide security against all of these things. Good story from "The Onion" last July: "John Edwards Vows To End All Bad Things By 2011" link:

Glad to see your wife approves of your opinions. Is your Mommy also a fan?

; )

Stacy said...


I'm not exactly sure who you are, however, if it's who i think it is, then you're patronizing "good job" definately strikes a 'chord'. And yes, my mother is a fan. I tell her my opnions every night as she tucks me into bed. Which really annoyes my wife I can tell you.

Marsha said...

“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” ~ Romans 5:3-5 (ESV)

Praise God there is hope beyond this life and beyond the grave!

Marsha said...

Hey midimouse,
His MIL does!

Jeri Tanner said...

"John Piper says that the reason we have suffering is so that Christ could suffer. That the reason we have pain is so Christ could feel pain. And that the reason we have death is so that Christ could die and be raised again to show His people that He has conquered these things."

Stacy, is that really how Piper puts it? I've never heard that before...

Brian said...

No, no! I was sincere about you doing a "good job" with the article - not trying to patronize. Your wife's enthusiastic endorsement just struck me as funny.

Sorry for the harsh tone. My little joke fell a bit flat. In the future, I'll try to mute the tenor of my sarcasm.

I'll refrain from directing you to my true identity for now, lest your MIL become more vocal about my bad conduct.

Stacy said...


please don't stop with the sarcasm and definately DO NOT TONE IT DOWN! After all, what is cynical mayhem without sarcasm! (just make sure you put things like :) and ;) or how about .) or :} so I'll know you're joking and I don't begin to weep on my keyboard)

Jeri Tanner said...

Hey Stacy,

What I meant to say (and didn't because I'm old and start getting sleepy about that time of night!) was that this was a really good article. I appreciate your thinking. It's good to look realistically at life and at the hopelessness we face without Jesus. I know what you mean by an emotional week...there are those times when trouble seems to loom larger than at other times. Again, it makes me so thankful for the bigness of God, to know that He causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose. And I love the truth that God has made Jesus the Cornerstone we would fall on so that all our false hopes and securities would be broken. Thanks for some very stirring words...I've thought about this off and on all morning.


Marsha said...

I don't even rank as a foe...woe unto you when I arrivest next week! Someone must not want oyster crackers for valentines day.