Thursday, December 25, 2008

Well, it went as expected. Last night was the reading of Luke 2, prayer, singing some Christmas songs accapella, and opening most of the gifts for the adults. We all were thankful for the gifts received. I was up until 2 in the morning watching the newest Mummy movie I'd gotten from my brother-in-law and setting up the Wii to save some time in the morning.

Kids woke us up before 8 yelling Merry Christmas with much excitement in their voices, which, by the way, sounded much like nails on a chalk board. Coffee was made and we went downstairs to get the cameras ready.

The kids each sat down to their respective piles of gifts and opened some shoes and a couple of practical things. Then they each opened 5 or so wrapped boxes that contained nothing more than puzzle pieces made from paper. When the puzzle was completed, it spelled out the following message, "Merry Christmas. Your present isn't this." People underestimate the pricelessness of facial expressions. Then came the Wii controllers and the lifting of the blanket that had "just been thrown" on top of the entertainement system as if to get it off the floor.

Screams ensued. Jumping up and down like they would defy the law of gravity happened several times. In-laws laughed and parents smiled and shook their heads. The morning has been spent racing on Mario Kart and installing a dishwasher. It's humourous watching a grandmother learn how to play a modern day video game system.

It's been a good day.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

My Hatred of God

"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." -- John 14:15
The only thing I remember from my Geometry teacher, Ms. Cappell, was if/then statements.
This was the only class I ever got an F in. And anyone from my high school can empathize with me. She was the toughest teacher there (or I'm convinced anywhere).
If/then statements have helped me define the world. It's really simple logic. If one thing holds true, then something else flows from that truth that holds true also. It's not the only kind of logic, but it's basic and simple.
It's also easy to see the negative side of things when using these statements. If the 'then' statement falls short, then the 'if' part of it is proven false. For example, if I am bald, then I have no hair. So it's implied that if I have hair, then I can't be bald (let's leave weaves and toupees out of the equation please).
A lot of Jesus' statements He made were if/then. And they're great to read if we skim over them without the negative side hitting us in the stomach.
If I love Him, then I'll keep His commandments.
If I don't keep His commandments, then. . .
Do I have the honesty with myself to actually finish that statement? Can I bear the reality of it?
If I'm am to seek truth in my life and I believe that Scripture is the ultimate source of truth in all of creation, then I have to finish it. Then I don't love Him.
Can I say I love Him when:
* I neglect my wife and kids for something "more important"
* I am impatient with people who may be less mature
* I don't love my wife as my own body
* I don't love my neighbor as myself (or even know their names)
* I don't put my mind, strength, and heart into worship
* I neglect my body with excesses
* I get frustrated with Pharisaical people in Christendom
I would have to say the answer is no. Psalm 63:3 says, "Because the loving kindness of God is better than life, my lips will praise you." So if the loving kindness of God is better than life, then it's better than anything life has to offer. So when I choose other things over His loving kindness, then I'm, in reality, showing my hatred for Him. My disdain for His glory. My rebellion towards His will and my self-glorification. I'm showing what a wretched creature I really am. I'm proving that there is a part of me that really desires to be under His wrath for eternity because I want no part of Him.
This is more severe than "no one is perfect." It goes beyond the realm of "God still loves me and He understands." This isn't bumper sticker theology. It's a hatred for His word. Man, that's hard. But I don't see where Christ gives us any other option. Love or hate. Obedience or rebellion. I can't seem to find the grey area. I can justify it. Oh, believe me, the past few years of selling cars has taught me how to justify things. That's what selling is. Justifying why someone should own your product. And I've seen it abused to rip people off. I've seen people 'justify' why they should take on more debt than they can possibly afford in order to buy something. And I've seen the biggest salesmen in the world in the church. Justifying their feelings over Scripture. Justifying their traditions over Christ-centered worship. Justifying their hatred for God. And I feel like I'm chief among them.
That's why my dependence on Christ has got to be central. That's why I have to fight for the joy that pours from Him like a massive river and not a stagnant trough. That's why I have to run, like a deer that's about to be killed by pursuing hunters, to the cross. It's all I've got.
And if it's all I've got, then I'd be a fool not to stay under it.

Monday, December 8, 2008

OK. I Saw it, now what?

Yesterday, me and my wonderful wife went out on a date. I know. Yeah, it actually happened. Since our last date was in August, it's a little surreal to me as well. But we had a nice time. The highlight for me was just being with her and no kids. All the married couples with chillins can understand what I'm saying.

The highlight for my wife was that she got to share with me something very close and dear to her heart. Something that in recent days she has grown very interested in and veerrry fond of. (I know I ended a sentence with a preposition, get over it.) So what do you ask could be so near and dear to a woman in her mid-30's heart?

The tween phenomenon, Twilight! Yes, folks that's right, Twilight. You have to understand something. My wife doesn't go to the movies. She just doesn't. Oh, she'll go occasionally and we do rent movies from time to time, but as a general rule, theaters are just not really her thing. It's my thing. I love movies and I love going to the theater by myself. It's my escape. I don't go that often, because it has to be a certain movie that I'm going to pay $9 for. (I know, another preposition) But she just doesn't get excited about that many flicks. Except for Twilight.

Now, dear reader, you may be saying, "Stacy, what's the big deal? So you guys went to see Twilight." You'd be right to underestimate the importance of me taking the time to blog about this, IF it was the first time we'd both seen it and it was just a casual, "Hey, let's go see that new show Twilight everyone's been talking about." And that's the way it was for me. But for my wife, this was the 4th time. That's right folks, the 4th time! I mean, she thinks I'm obsessive for me to watch some of my dvd's over and over. But 4 times? And it's about vampires! Vampires I say! She doesn't like vampires! She won't even watch Blade with me. Or Interview with a Vampire. And folks, I mean these are pretty wimpy kind of Vampires if you ask me. All they do is whine about their existence. "Ohhh, I'm immortal and I've been 17 for 100 plus years. Boo Hoo. I like Bella but I don't want her to get hurt. Waaaaa." Get over dude. You can kick the crap outta any body that messes with you and you're rich. Stop your dang whining!

Sorry, didn't mean to get off on a rant there. I'm sure I've just made some people mad and I'm sorry. I did like the movie. But it was just average at best. I just want someone to explain the pull this has had over my very sane and mature wife. And it's not just her. Her friends are all into this thing as well. And let me tell you all something, these are about the coolest ladies I've ever met. I mean, I think a LOT about Missy's friends. Their level headed and wise women and they are actually fun to be around. Missy can be herself around them and not feel like she'll offend anyone, because they just accept people as they are. I really find it hard to believe there are Christain women out there like that. Ahh, to be Presbyterian! At any rate, they are sucked up into this thing as well.

Now I know it sounds like I'm complaining. I'm not. I actually think it's cute to see her get into a story like this. I guess it boils down to fear. I'm actually scarred I'm gonna come home one night and she'll have a pair of wax fangs and some body glitter laying on the night stand. If you've seen the movie, you know what I'm saying.